• L-Carnosine



L-Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. It is highly concentrated in muscle and brain tissues. L Carnosine and carnitine were discovered by Russian chemist V.Gulevich.Researchers in Britain,South Korea,Russiaand other countries have shown that carnosine has a number of antioxidant properties that may be beneficial. Carnosine has been proven to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as alpha-beta unsaturatedaldehydes formed from peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids during oxidative stress. Carnosine is also a zwitterion, a neutral molecule with a positive and negative end.

1. L Carnosine is the most effective anti-carbonylation agent yet discovered. (Carbonylation is a pathological step in the age- related degradation of the body proteins. )Carnosine helps to prevent skin collagen cross-linking which leads to loss of elasticity and wrinkles.

2. L carnosine powder also acts as a regulator of zinc and copper concentrations in nerve cells, helping to prevent overstimulation by these neuroactive in the body substantiates all of the above and other studiess indicated further benefits.

3. L Carnosine is a super antioxidant that quenches even the most destructive free radicals: The hydroxyl and the peroxyl radicals, superoxide, and singlet oxygen. Carnosine helps to chelate ionic metals(flush toxins from the body).